Carnoustie Golf Links has relaunched its highly successful Community Benefits Awards Programme.
To date, the programme has provided almost £185,000 in funding to local community groups and organisations in and around Carnoustie since CGLMC was granted charitable status in 2014.
The relaunch follows a review of the programme which has been running since early 2015.
As a result of the review, the Community Benefits Committee aim to improve awareness of the potential funding available following the appointment of Donald Archibald as Community Benefits Administrator and by promoting the availability of funding through local media.
David Cheape, a Trustee of Carnoustie Golf Links and Community Benefits Convenor, said: “Since 2015 we have accepted applications from a broad range of individuals, organisations and community groups and the list of those who have submitted applications is representative of the diverse character of our community.
“The differing nature and value of awards made, amounting to £185,000, is viewed by and large by the community as a significant and important element of the role that the Links play within the community since it received charitable status.
“Over the last four years the Community Benefits programme – in addition to existing value in kind support provided to numerous benefactors in Carnoustie – has established Carnoustie Golf links as a significant contributor of support to the community.
“We anticipate that the relaunch of the updated Community Benefits programme will broaden the value of our programme across a wider spectrum within Carnoustie and its surrounding area and hopefully better showcase our efforts and provide a means to achieve greater impact while promoting and supporting the Carnoustie Golf Links brand.
“The fund has been extended to encompass six key programme areas which are demonstrated in the Community Benefits section of our website: https://www.carnoustiegolflinks.com/about-us/charity/community-benefits-programme/.
“Applications are welcomed from all community groups and organisations within the electoral ward of Carnoustie and District; encompassing Carnoustie itself and the villages of Barry, Easthaven, Monikie, Muirdrum and Newbigging.”
Pat Sawers, Chairman of Carnoustie Golf Links, added: “We believe that the information helps define the purpose of our fund and for whom it is designed to support.
“It is presented to show how our fund will operate and outlines the key areas of suggested support which will satisfy our own objectives in line with our charitable status.
“With the support of our executive management team we hope to increase the value of funding available each year.
“The majority of funds will be destined for distribution to local groups annually, but we do intend to ring fence a significant sum each year in order to build a sizeable capital fund which will, at some time in the future, be used to support significant town projects.”
Applications from local community groups and organisations are now invited and the application process will remain open until 31st July 2019. You can find further details of how to apply on the Carnoustie Golf Links website: https://www.carnoustiegolflinks.com/about-us/charity/community-benefits-programme/
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications at the end of August and a presentation will be made to successful applicants towards the end of September.
In 2020 and thereon it is intended that there will be two rounds of awards made each April and September.